Monday, January 7, 2013

The Importance of Constant, Lifelong Christian-Learning

"Where no attention is given to teaching, and to constant, lifelong Christian learning, people quickly revert to the worldview or mindset of the surrounding culture, and end up with their minds shaped by whichever social pressures are most persuasive, with Jesus somewhere around as a pale influence or memory." ~ Tom Wright, Acts for Everyone, Pt. 1
There are many ways to keep our Christian learning up.  One of the best ways is regular Bible reading.   And it's a great time of the year to mention it.  Getting into the habit of reading the Word daily is a common New Year's resolution for many Christians. There are plenty of Bible reading plans out there that guide you through reading your Bible. You may not even want to read the Bible all the way through, but rather use the year to focus on a specific portion or biblical topic. Find a reading plan that works for you.  

A great place to start - Bible Gateway Reading Plans.

Also, be sure to check out my Bible reading plan. This unique reading plan is something I continue to come back to.  For me, it has worked out wonderfully and I continue to grow in my biblical comprehension of the whole sweeping storyline of the Bible by sticking to this regular reading plan - Grace Church Bible Reading Plan.

It takes discipline to open up the Bible every day. May God enable us to read his Word faithfully.


  1. Couldn't get the Bible reading plan to open. Kept saying error.

  2. It's there. It's a PDF file.

    We will have some hard copies available on Sunday.
