Saturday, January 23, 2016

N.T. Wright on humanity being an image-bearer of God

What does it mean to be an image-bearer of God (Genesis 1:27)?

We have been addressing this, in various ways, throughout our current teaching series, CREED: 2016 on the Doctrine of Man.

Here's is N.T. Wright's wonderful answer to this question:
In the early stories, the point was that the Creator loved the world he had made, and wanted to look after it in the best possible way.  To that end, he placed within his world a looking-after creature, a creature who would demonstrate to the creation who he, the Creator, really was, and who would set to work developing the creation and making it flourish and fulfill its purpose.  This looking-after creature (or rather, this family of creatures: the human race) would model and embody that interrelatedness, that mutual fruitful knowing, trusting and loving, which was the Creator’s intention. ~ N.T. Wright, Simply Christian 

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