Hello friends! Unless you've been living in a cave (or completely ignoring us!), you probably know that we have a storefront! It's called The Huntley and it will be a communal, multi-purpose space which will greatly enhance our church's ministry.
More discipleship!
More community!
More ability to effectively live out our mission + vision in serving + renewing the greater Dunedin area!
To all those who have already contributed to The Huntley renovations, thank you, thank you, thank you! We are currently at $5,247.00. We're trying to raise $7k. We have just a little bit more to go!
If all our Grace Church friends + family gave an extra $20-30 to the our 947 Huntley Ave. project we would hit our $7,000 goal!
Together, this is totally doable!
Join this grassroots effort! Consider giving and being a part of the exciting things to come with The Huntley in Dunedin? Every gift helps!
You can donate HERE.
To read more about some of the plans for The Huntley read HERE. It's pretty exciting! Also, you can follow some of the progress + news about The Huntley by following this hashtag - #ProgressAtHuntley.
Thanks for pressing on with us.
Grace + Peace,
P. Heath