Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Exodus - A Story of Liberation

This October + November we will journey, with the ancient Israelites, through their famous EXODUS.

The book and message of Exodus is one of the most iconic Old Testament stories. It recounts the birth of the nation of Israel; it introduces us to Old Testament heroes like Moses and Joshua; and it provides the basis for so much Judaeo/Christian history and tradition - the burning bush, the plagues, the Passover, the parting of the Red Sea, and the giving of God's law to his people. Most importantly, it tells the story of a God who is LORD over everything and faithfully desires to be with his people as they learn how to represent and share HIM with the world.

So join us each Sunday as we make our way through this invigorating and illuminating story.

Also, for a more in depth look and study in the message of Exodus, we invite you to download and use this Exodus Study Guide.

Enjoy. And may you see and experience the LORD in new ways.