“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
~ Jesus, Acts 20:35
~ Jesus, Acts 20:35
Merry Christmas to all the friends, supporters, and encouragers of Grace Church of Dunedin!
Christmas is always a fun (and busy!) time of the year - family, friends, Christmas songs, claymation, Rudolph, stockings, eggnog, shopping, Adam Sandler's Hanukkah songs, mistletoe, Christmas lights, sparkling grape juice, etc. In addition to all those jolly activities, the times of corporate worship during Advent Season are always some of my most favorite.
A lot of Christians talk about keeping Christ in Christmas and come up with great ways to remember the advent of our Lord; but have you ever considered how Christmas and church planting go together? Yes, as Christians, Christmas/Advent is a special/sacred time to remember the gift of Christ; but it should also be a time of remembering why he came!
What is “the reason for the season?”
In our current teaching series, Thy Kingdom Come, we've been learning about the Kingdom of God, why Christ came and is coming again, and what it means to live in his kingdom in the here and now. According to Isaiah 9:6-7, Christ came in order to bring the Kingdom of God to earth; and with that Kingdom comes peace, redemption, and life as it should be (i.e., shalom). Verse 7 concludes with stamp of God's zealous promise to do it. In the New Testament we learn that God's plan to "do it" is the through the expansion of the church, i.e., church planting (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:7-8; 15:41; 16:5; Matthew 16:18)!
Give the gift of church planting - give to the cause of the kingdom!
Give the gift of church planting - give to the cause of the kingdom!
So, this Christmas season, may I encourage you to consider giving the gift of church planting. There is still much Kingdom work to do; and the Gospel transforms lives and communities primarily through local churches. As one leading missiologist, C. Peter Wagner writes, “Planting new churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under heaven."
Of course, you can give to Grace Church, because we are still a new church plant! We still have a lot of goals that can only get done through additional and continual income. But, as you know, we eagerly desire to come along side and help other young and new church plants, laboring intently to see lives redeemed and communities renewed. We have given money and resources away to several new plants and organization during the past 10 months; the last recipient (of $1200.00) was Unveiled Church in New Port Richey. (We are excited about what God is doing there! Please pray for them!)

So, prayerfully consider if there's anything extra you can do this holiday season. There's much Kingdom work to do! As you are probably well aware, there are 3 Ways to Give to Grace Church. Remember, every dollar helps, no gift is too small to make a difference in building the Kingdom!

So, prayerfully consider if there's anything extra you can do this holiday season. There's much Kingdom work to do! As you are probably well aware, there are 3 Ways to Give to Grace Church. Remember, every dollar helps, no gift is too small to make a difference in building the Kingdom!
On behalf of the other Grace Church elders, James Gleichowski and Steve Lee, we wish you and your family a most blessed Christmas! We also hope and pray that your partnership in building the Kingdom through church planting will mirror the redemptive love of our Savior who went to where the people were, cared for them with compassion, and spoke to them the good news of the kingdom.
Thank you for praying for and laboring with Grace Church!
P.S. In order to receive your 2012 tax-deduction, your end of the year gift needs to be in by January 31, 2012.
For more on giving to Grace Church and questions about our budgets, please email James@GraceChurchofDunedin.com.
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